What Marketing Channels should a newbie focus on?

To get started, the key is to identify the influential people and organisations relevant to your product and get them to spread the word about you. You can do this by phone, email, forums, social media groups, Reddit or even target them with Facebook ads. The best way to reach such people depends on who they are.

If your product is interesting and you approached the right people, people will start to talk about it. Then you can use social advertising to “fan the flames”. On the other hand, if no-one is all that interested, maybe you need to re-think the product.

So, this action will drive interested traffic to your site. You should have already registered your own domain and made sure your copy is as effective as possible.  The next step is lead capture and learning more about your audience. It’s vital here to get email signups and make sure you set up Google Analytics and the Facebook pixel. This data is key for retargeting (if you skip this step your ads will be too expensive and ineffective because you won’t be targeting the right people). 

Regarding the Google question. SEO is a long term ploy (12 months plus) that you run alongside a content marketing strategy. People generally search on Google when they have strong buying intent, i.e. they are already aware of your product. So in your case, it’s better to focus just on getting some initial traffic as I outlined above. A little later, you may find that people have further questions about the product. So then you go and create content around that and people read it and link to it. At some point Google will figure out that your page is highly relevant to a particular audience. This in turn will drive organic traffic and at this point you might want to optimise this a bit. 

As you’ve realized (!) it’s a huge subject and this is just the bare bones. But I hope at least it gives you some idea that there’s a clear path through the jungle if you don’t get distracted by the noise of all the hawkers in the online marketing community


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